Five Good Things VIII


I hope things are Spring-y and nice wherever you are. Things aren't so cute in Dallas today with cold temperatures and a potential snow. It's on days like today that I know we need the Five Good Things list! Let's get into it.

1. My plants are thriving. If you've been thinking about getting into house plants or gardening, now's the time to start! Plants experience the most growth in Spring and Summer so it's time to head to your local gardening store and pick up some plants.

2. Our first guest episode of Season 4 of Life With Zan is out! I sat down with my friend and interior designer, Patricia Tram of Strut Interiors. We laughed a lot and shared what it's really like working in the interior design industry. Have a listen :)

3. Lilac is trending big this Spring and I've been thinking about what that means for my venture into wearing more color. Are you more likely to include a trendy color in your wardrobe or home decor?

4. I keep telling myself it's time to get back into reading again and I really mean it this time. So what are your recent favorite books? I need recommendations for easy reads. This is a habit I want to stick!

5. Shelby was gifted an automatic cat feeder and you guys, it's a game changer! I'm not saying I have it fully figured out yet but I'm a big fan. There's something so fun about high tech items for your pets!

Come back next Thursday for another fun interview on the podcast!