Cozy At Home


I’ve always been all about a cozy environment at home. We all have our creature comforts and I really wanted to remind you to lean in while you’re spending time at home.

Whether you love to cuddle up on the sofa with a specific blanket, sip on your favorite tea or sit outside (when it’s not too hot) and unwind here’s your reminder to dig up those comforting rituals and enjoy.

It’s hard to not sit and think “I’m going to enjoy this for now but when this is all over I can’t wait to do x,y,z.” My mind really likes to get the best of me in these scenarios so I like to flip the script on her! If I find myself feeling blah I’ll think to myself “ok, how can I make the most of today?”

While this certainly doesn’t solve the world’s problems, it challenges me to reframe the negative or crazy thoughts our mind likes to scroll through. So what can you do to make the most of today?

Maybe it’s indulge in a cozy ritual or tackle something on your to-do list around the house. Either way, just make sure it’s shifting your energy to feel good in the present moment. After all, that’s all we can really ask for!


Amplify your space by honoring your everyday rituals.


The more I get into adjusting my space as both work and life change, I find myself returning back to the principals laid out in my High Vibe Design Guide. When I created this product at the end of 2018, I had no clue how relevant it would become for 2020’s changing landscape.

This guide was a roadmap for me in learning how to use my space as a support system. Setting the intention and caring for my space and allowing it to support me in return. Oh, how I need this now!

In the fall of 2019 I gave the guide a little update and I am so glad I did. Following my intuition through this project has been unreal. Today I know it’s time to soak it all up and enjoy the rituals and prompts this workbook has to offer.

If you find yourself feeling stuck or trapped by your current circumstances may I ask you, have you given your environment the opportunity to support you? Love on your space and I promise it will love you back tenfold! The High Vibe Design Guide covers the principals that will help you make the most of your environment and get into flow with your life at home.


Basically 2018 me knew 2020 was going to show up and challenge the heck out of us! Kind of crazy what we can create if we simply tune in and follow the little nudges from the universe.

How are you looking for your home to support you in 2020?

Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

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