Fall Candle Haul 2018


I polled my Instagram followers to see if anyone would be interested in a Fall Candle Haul and you all said HECK YES!

For those of you who are new, I did a Fall Candle Haul back in 2016. You can check it out here. I still love all those scents but enjoy switching it up. It’s safe to say there aren’t any repeats!

If you know me, candle buying isn’t exclusive to the cooler months. Yep, even in the Texas Summer heat! After all, it’s almost September 22nd and currently 95 degrees outside. HAH!

These candles were collected over the span of a few weeks and overall very affordable. It’s important to me to choose wallet friendly options because I work from home and use them more often than I used to.

Here are the candles I’ve picked up for Fall:


White Ginger Pumpkin is the perfect cozy+cookie scent without being too sweet.


This will likely be my only SUPER FALL candle. If you live for a pumpkin scent, this one packs a punch!



These two were found on our trip to Richmond in a boutique called Saturn Return.


I snagged two of these at Homegoods! I love when you can find an affordable candle that smells nice AND looks pretty on your coffee table.

You can shop the candles below + let me know which one (or two) you’d like to pick up!


Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

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